Pole dance studios push classes for children

Collective Shout's Felicity Langton appeared on Today Tonight to discuss pole dancing classes offered to children. 

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  • Julie Rose
    commented 2014-11-19 08:16:47 +1100
    Pole Dancing actually is being transformed into a fitness/aerobics-based act:

    I think it’s kind of cool that we can take this thing that men used to sexually exploit us and turn it into something that literally gives us physical strength.
  • Adela Brent
    commented 2014-10-05 18:38:04 +1100
    This is disgraceful! We have become so desensitized that we cannot see what is really going on here, the sexualization of our daughters.
  • Marc Allison
    commented 2014-09-18 13:19:36 +1000
    As was said in the video… Why try to normalise a sexual activity when there are so many other options for kids to do exercise… such as the local park?!
  • Lorna de Vries
    commented 2014-09-18 12:28:25 +1000
    Wow, some parents really like to kid themselves! If they only want their kids to have fum and get excercise there are a million other activities out there! How are those little girls going to view themselves once they are old enough to view what pole dancing is used for???
  • Joshua Snowdon Mills
    commented 2014-09-18 11:30:00 +1000
    I find that appalling. Being a parent my self i would never let my beautiful little girls participate at such an age.

You can defend their right to childhood

A world free of sexploitation is possible!

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