Why is it harmful?

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"..The representation of children as miniature adults playing adult sexual roles sends a message to pedophiles that, contrary to laws and ethical norms, children are sexually available.” (The Australian Institute)



What is the real object in this image?


Did You Know...

  • Boys aged between 14-17 are the most frequent users of pornographic materials in Australia
  • Pornography has greatly affected the use of “sexting,” causing 51% of young girls between the ages of 15-19 to feel social pressure to share naked selfies online.
  • Pornography normalises sexual violence and provides unrealistic understandings of sex and sexuality
  • Research shows that having honest and open discussions with a parent or trusted adult (i.e school teacher, mentor, relative) benefits an adolescent and provides a positive perspective on their bodies and helps them to be aware of normal sexual behaviours.

(Australian Institute of Family Studies)

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