Sexism, Women’s Objectification and Sex Trafficking at Australian Sporting Events
Oct 14, 2016
Most Australians wouldn’t consider the links between sexism, objectification of women and sex trafficking in sport, or even think about it at all.
Calling on Media to #Askhermore at AFL Brownlow Medal
Sep 22, 2014
The annual Brownlow Medal award ceremony will be held tonight to celebrate the sporting accomplishments of AFL players.
Cross'em off your Xmas list 2013
Nov 28, 2013
Corporate offenders of 2013 The festive season is here. You only need to look at the latest shopping centre catalogues, online stores and even your...

Three years of silence from the AFL
Jun 30, 2013
AFL star Lance “Buddy” Franklin still promoting porn t-shirt brand to fans
AFL supports White Ribbon Day while ignoring Buddy Franklin degrading porn tees and company’s jokes about raping women
Nov 26, 2012
Nena and Pasadena encouraged jokes about raping women with their reply, ‘Keep em coming guys - this is very entertaining! The Australian Football League proudly...
Cross'em off your Xmas list 2012
Nov 10, 2012
[UPDATE] Spotlight new addition to list for Playboy bed linen You're about to be bombarded. Bombarded with junk mail, TV, radio and outdoor advertising all...
Buddy we're not buying it: your claims or your porn tees
May 07, 2012
Last week we wrote about AFL player Lance 'Buddy' Franklin, owner and director of sexist fashion label Nena and Pasadena. Our post resulted in significant...