

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2020

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2020

'We cannot end violence against women without addressing the cultural drivers which normalise and fuel it.' Help end sexploitation! Click here to give November 25...

Target responds: sexualised LOL Dolls gone!

Target responds: sexualised LOL Dolls gone!

"We'll be working closely with our suppliers to ensure this does not happen again"

Cross 'em off your Christmas list: Corporate Sexploitation Offenders of 2018

Cross 'em off your Christmas list: Corporate Sexploitation Offenders of 2018

Our annual list of corporate offenders who don’t deserve your Xmas dollar! As our loyal supporters know each year in the lead up to Christmas,...

Melbourne woman declares war on Target and Big W for inappropriate girls' shoes

Melbourne woman declares war on Target and Big W for inappropriate girls' shoes

A Melbourne woman has had enough of corporates sexualising children and has channeled her anger into activism. Whilst shopping for shoes for her little girl...

Kmart pulls Grand Theft Auto 5 from sale

Kmart pulls Grand Theft Auto 5 from sale

Now confirmed - Kmart pulls GTA 5 from shelves. 

Prostitution survivors call on Target to withdraw GTA V for extreme violence against women

Over 40,000 sign petition calling on Target to withdraw GTA V for extreme violence against women

Grand Theft Auto 5 fuelling the epidemic of violence against women, say survivors in petition signed by over 40,000 people. [UPDATE] Target and Kmart have...

Cross'em off your Xmas list 2013

Corporate offenders of 2013 The festive season is here. You only need to look at the latest shopping centre catalogues, online stores and even your...

Mum who targeted Target part of larger backlash against corporate sexploitation

Melinda Tankard Reist in the Sunday Herald Sun Aug 19 2012 Also published at www.melindatankardreist.comLast Friday, Ana Amini, a Port Macquarie mother and primary school...

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  • Coralie Alison
    published this page in Brands 2016-12-19 14:54:41 +1100

You can defend their right to childhood

A world free of sexploitation is possible!

Fuel the Movement