The global brand of the sex industry on your bed sheets
This is the new Playboy 'Mansion' Collection now available at Adairs. A friend received the promotion via email and forwarded it to us.
The Playboy brand seems to be infiltrating everyday life. It is on deodorant, make up, pencil cases for kids and bedsheets. This is known as the mainstreaming of pornography and it is an effective marketing strategy. Marketing the brand in this way is a clever way desensitise people to pornography and to create brand awareness amoung young people, preparing them for pornography consumption later on. Hugh Hefner told the Washington Post, "I don't care if a baby holds up a Playboy bunny rattle."
Many young people, while liking the 'cute bunny' aren't actually aware of what Playboy is.
Lets be clear, Playboy is pornography. Playboy objectifies women and promotes unrealistic beauty ideals, this causes harm to women.
There is more that can be said on Playboy, but for now we ask you to contact Adairs and let them know what you think about their choice to sell and promote the Playboy brand. You can do this via the contact form on the Adairs website.
You can make the following points in your message:
- Playboy is a pornography brand
- By stocking Playboy products they are promoting pornography
- You are disappointed in their decision to partner with a porn brand and won't shop at Adairs until they stop selling Playboy products.
Please feel free to also post your letters to Adairs in the comments below and of course any response you receive from them.