I pledge to boycott 'Fifty Shades Darker'


The second film in the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' trilogy is set to be released in cinemas around Valentines Day 2017. 

As individuals committed to upholding the dignity and rights of women, we refuse to support a film that romanticises intimate partner violence and portrays the abuse of women as sexy, harmless fun. We will not participate in excusing, downplaying or accepting men's violence against women. 

Please join us and pledge to boycott the film. 

Add your name below. 

Who's signing

tim munyon
Amanda Greenwood
Richard Hall
Gillian Stroud
Kim Anderson
Rita Clark
Catherine Murray
Kate Shrestha
Pat Gartlan
Davina Plummer
Melissa Gorodecki
Olivia von Bertouch
nicci murdoch
Karen Everett
Alicia Cooper
Tanya Mathias
Sahar Armanious
Ingrid Glenn
Jeltje Verdouw
Sandy Kershaw
Katherine Callinan-Moore
Simone Laurie
Vivienne Barton
Rachel Fraser
Carena Grant
Katherine Andrews
Dianne Amott
Shaye Baran
Amy Davey
Shannon Anderson
1,000 pledges

Will you take the pledge to boycott the film?