Cafepress baby clothes: Dingo bait, They shook me, Daddy's condom broke

Repeat offender Cafepress continues to stock clothing with sexualised and violent slogans.

Collective Shout's Melinda Liszewski spoke to the Daily Mail about some of the items designed for babies. 


An online store has come under fire for selling baby clothes with x-rated slogans which activists claim makes light of violence against children.

Cafe Press, which specialises in user-customised products and gifts, has items for sale on its website printed with the slogans 'I f*** on the first date', 'blow me', 'five star lover', 'I love stripping', 'everyone loves a sl**', and 'say yes to an*l', among other similar products

The company was slammed last year for selling similar toddler clothing and infant jumpsuits with slogans including 'F*** me like a pornstar', and claimed that the company had taken action to remove the offensive comment. 

Australian equality campaign group Collective Shout has labelled the company 'repeat offenders' and is calling for consumers to blacklist the website.

'This is making light of criminal actions and child abuse. Children need to be treated with respect, not as vehicles for sexual and violent humour,' she said.

'Children have no choice in the matter and should not be subjected to items such as these'. 
The website also sells baby onesies aimed at children with the slogans 'daddy's condom broke', 'proof that daddy sucks at pulling out'.

'The company has no ethics or standards. It's really sinister that they’re willing to sell this. I don’t know what goes through people’s heads,' Ms Liszewski said.   Click here to read full article.


"If she says no, keep buying her shots" - Cafepress pro-rape slogans

Cafepress also continues to sell merchandise with slogans promoting sexual assault.

"If she says "No" keep buying her shots" that means "No." The use of drugs or alcohol to gain a 'yes' or incapacitate someone is no laughing matter, it is a criminal offence.  To give free and voluntary consent a person must have the capacity to do so in the first place. Sex without consent is sexual assault.



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  • Violeta Buljubasic
    commented 2015-05-28 15:08:28 +1000
    What strikes me about the men’s shirt is that, in essence, it promotes rape. This is not the kind of advice we should be giving our sons, and it certainly is not the kind of joke we should be sharing amongst ourselves. Cafepress is irresponsible and morally repugnant.
  • Melinda Liszewski
    commented 2015-05-14 20:09:56 +1000
    Ian – we are well aware of how Cafepress works. They do have an ability to exercise control over what their website displays and sells, but they lack the will to do it.
    Glad you think they should remove the designs and ban the users, they refuse to do this. Therefore, we are boycotting the site. It is up to each individual to decide whether they want to do this. I choose to boycott it because jokes about sex with babies crosses the line.
  • Amy Little
    commented 2015-05-04 17:17:51 +1000
    Some people have twisted “humour”.. This isn’t even funny. :(

You can defend their right to childhood

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