Campaign 100 - Will you sign up?

Have you ever been an inaugural member of a new organisation? Maybe you are the proud descendent of someone whose name is on a building, a founders board or otherwise up in lights. It feels good to be part of something important.

We have set aside the month of October to find our inaugural 100 Funding Partners. So far over 25 people have stepped forward and signed up to ensure that Coralie, Caitlin and Melinda can stay at the frontline with campaigning, writing and media engagement.

We believe that Collective Shout can change history. We believe that men and women want a world free of sexploitation. We believe that there is no point waiting for others to bring the change we want to see.

To do this we urgently need our supporters. We need the people who want to see change come in this generation to stand up and become a Monthly Partner. 100 Monthly Partners giving an average of $50 per month guarantees a formidable front line in the war against sexploitation.


For the month of October we are running our 'FUNDING 100 CAMPAIGN' and we hope to reach 100 people signed up as Funding Partners.

Four months ago we launched our new funding partner program. We'd like to give a huge shout out to our current funding partners already signed up - many who signed up without us even asking. You, like Coralie, Caitlin, Melinda and our volunteers, play a huge role in helping our movement grow.

If you have ever wanted to be part of a movement for change please step forward today. Your investment in a world free of sexploitation that will pay dividends for years to come. Throughout the month we will publish a running tally of our funding partner count on social media.

As an added incentive one lucky person who signs up before October 31 will win an amazing gift pack.

Sign up as a funding partner today - click here.

Kind regards,


Sarah McMahon
Board Chair


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  • Coralie Alison
    commented 2015-10-28 09:53:22 +1100
    To date we have 49 funding partners signed up with 4 days to go! Thank you to everyone who has partnered with us so far! #ForAWorldFreeOfSexploitation
  • Coralie Alison
    published this page in Donate 2015-10-13 14:27:49 +1100

You can defend their right to childhood

A world free of sexploitation is possible!

Fuel the Movement