Child sex dolls seized in Australian Government crackdown following 60,000 strong petition

“I came across an advertisement on Child Sex Dolls while looking at Japanese news online. Who would think such a heinous insult to the sanctity of children would exist?”

As published on

A mum’s outrage has led to Government and Border Force crackdown on the importation of child sex dolls being shipped into Australia.

The crackdown comes after 60,000 people signed a petition started by a mum, and now supported by Fighters Against Child Abuse Australia – which was featured by ABC News, 7 News and the Sydney Morning Herald over the last few months.

Authorities have confirmed that 18 dolls being imported from Japan have already been seized at the border.

These dolls aren’t just being confiscated - Australian Federal Police say they are enforcing penalties for importing, including fines of up to $450k and 10 years' imprisonment:

"The AFP continues to work closely with the Australian Border Force and state police agencies to bring before the courts those that seek to possess or are in possession of a child sex doll.”

The Japanese manufacturer of the dolls reportedly being imported into Australia by paedophiles told Fairfax media that he is "helping people express their desires, legally and ethically".

To date, at least one man found in possession of a child sex doll has reportedly been imprisoned and another case is currently before the courts.

You can add your support for this Aussie mother to ban the sale of these dolls by adding your support to her petition.

Click here to sign the petition

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