City Beach still pushing porn to young people

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Collective Shout WA representative Caitlin Roper has been leading the charge against pornified clothing and products sold in general retail stores.

Caitlin created the facebook page 'Say no to porn t-shirts' and has been keeping track of retailers that sell pornified products via her 'Porn Tees' blog. (Warning: product images)

In July last year Caitlin wrote an open letter calling on retailers to stop selling porn themed products. The letter includes 65 signatories - child advocates, child development experts, women’s and men’s advocates, academics and educators.

citybeachlogo-188x75.jpgOne of the main offenders furthering this trend is 'City Beach' a youth oriented surf shop. Last year Caitlin complained to the Human Rights Commission about City Beach on the basis that the porn themed products they display and sell are a form of sexual harassment. But amazingly City Beach denied that the products had anything to do with pornography and denied that they sold products with naked women on them. They flatly refused to consider Caitlin's other  proposals which included applying an age limit on who could purchase the shirts and a content warning sign on the front of their store. City Beach have not changed their ways and have made no commitment to do so.

City Beach were recently in the spotlight once again for selling pornographic pencil cases. Despite saying they will 'discontinue' the product, it was still found yesterday in their 'back to school' sale.


Caitlin has now created a petition calling on City Beach to adopt corporate responsibility and withdraw these porn themed products. Please sign and share widely. Caitlin has this to say:

caitlan-roper.jpgYouth retailer City Beach sells clothing, such as t-shirts, with highly sexualized adult images on them. This clothing objectifies and depicts semi-naked women as always willing and available for sex.

In addition to clothing with pornographic images, City Beach also stocks porn-themed thongs, caps, drink coolers, wallets, stickers, i-phone covers, pencil cases and air fresheners. Another item sold is a novelty remote control entitled ‘Control Your Woman’, each button with a different command, one of them being ‘blowjob’.

City Beach sells TITS brand products, a U.S. brand renowned for using well-known porn stars as models for their designs. TITS brand was nominated for an award at the pornography industry’s annual awards ceremony, the 2012 Adult Video News Awards.

Despite complaints and negative press, City Beach continues to sell porn-themed merchandise- even items they claimed would be discontinued months ago.

City Beach sends a consistent message to their target market of youth that it is normal and acceptable to view women as sexual objects for men’s entertainment, to be valued for their bodies and sexuality, and to treat them accordingly. Let’s send them a message- this behavior is not okay.

For photographic evidence visit:

Porn Tees (Warning: product images)

To find us on facebook visit:

Say no to porn t-shirts

Please sign and share this petition

City Beach: stop selling porn t-shirts


Further reading:

Ban move on Offensive T-shirts - The West Australian

Get it off your chest guys but dirty shirts just make slogans for brogans - The Age

Campaigners say no to porn t-shirts - Brianna Piazza  (Includes audio interview with Caitlin Roper and Michael Flood)

You can defend their right to childhood

A world free of sexploitation is possible!

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