Fuel the Movement

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Etsy Take Action

Your support enables us to take action against those who are sexualising and objectifying women and girls to sell products and services.

Etsy's incest and child abuse themed products serve to normalise incest and child abuse and put girls at risk. As we’ve been highlighting for over a decade, we cannot address the scourge of child abuse unless we address the wider culture which fetishises and profits from it.

Help us stop Etsy from selling incest and child abuse themed merch today! 

Who's donating

Janette mardunovic
Catherine Brown
Paul Speter
Christine Hawkins
Chris and Pam MacKenzie
Aimee Barclay
Maz Woodford
Malcolm Pryor
Paul Speter
Beverley Murrill
Renee Chopping
Renee Chopping
Who's donating: Janette from Wyoming, Australia recently donated - Thank you!