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Join us for the encore virtual screening

*If you are unable to attend the screening but wish to make a donation please click here.

Join us Friday October 22, 7.30pm AEDT for an encore virtual screening of 'The Children in the Pictures' as part of our annual International Day of the Girl Child fundraiser.

Your donation of $25 or more will give you an inside look at the world’s fastest growing crime and efforts to end it - and help fuel our work for a world free of sexploitation.


Who's donating

Anna Rodger
Tania Rowan
Lynda Mori
Burgess-Munro Vicky
Jenny Hoey
Carlene Neervoort
Jess Miller
Deanne Dale
Viviane Morrigan
Anna Randell
Rita Guazzo
Jen Cardwell
Lesley Hack
Gabrielle Dahdah
Roxanne Viggiano
Melinda Spackman
Wendy Volckmar
Catherine Paix
Laura Shooter
Antoinette Parry
Gary Presneill
Lisbet Molving
Jodie McGill
prudence dawson
Rachel Cornelius
Joanne Warner
michael Lilburn
Laura Shooter
Gabbi Choong
Mimi Hayes
Who's donating: Anna from Churchlands, Australia recently donated - Thank you!