Emergency national cabinet meeting tomorrow must address porn as a driver of violence
In response to a rising tide of violence against women – including a spate of recent homicides - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said we need to “change culture” if we are to prevent this violence. He has called an emergency meeting of State Premiers and Chief Ministers tomorrow to respond to the crisis.
If the Prime Minister really does want to address “culture” then he must act to rein in the global, industrial, predatory porn industry which is fuelling attitudes that lead to violence against women.
The evidence is in. Early porn exposure harms developing sexual templates, contributes to damaging stereotypes, the development of sexist ideas, the normalisation of violence against women and a rise in child-on-child sexual abuse. Adolescent males now constitute the largest cohort of sex offenders and the largest cohort of sex offenders against children.
Last year, following a parliamentary enquiry, the eSafety Commissioner recommended the Government trial an age verification system. However, the Government refused, deferring to industry codes which are years away. In the meantime, millions more young boys will be exposed to images of women being raped, tortured, violated and degraded and think this is normal.
The porn industry is the biggest department of education in the world. The majority of Australian parents – including those sharing their stories on our ‘Kids Exposed’ page - support an age verification system.
Late last year we spearheaded an Open Letter signed by leading women’s safety and child protection experts, calling on the Government to reverse its decision against an age verification trial. Signatories – headed by Robert Fitzgerald AM – said the Government had caved to vested interests and that the wellbeing of women and children should be its first priority.
The issue must be on the agenda in tomorrow’s emergency Cabinet meeting. If it remains unaddressed, we will see even more sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and violence against women.
Tuesday April 30, 2024
Contact: Movement Director Melinda Tankard Reist, email: [email protected]
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