Responding to increased demand for a focus on helping young people navigate a highly sexualised world, Glen and Melinda will help parents understand the challenges posed by explicit sexual imagery and messages (including pornography), and also the many issues surrounding sexuality and respect in relationships.
Glen and Melinda will work with Year 8-12 students during school time. Glen will present “Men of Honour” to the boys. Glen’s unique and widely respected Men of Honour program, fearlessly tackles the often difficult issues that boys face in growing up. Melinda will present her session “Thin, hot and sexy” to the girls. Melinda is probably the world’s best presenter on the damage advertisers and pornography do to our children and teens – often when we don’t even know.
Students are not permitted to attend, as this free session is aimed at parents but you are welcome to bring along family and friends. Please see address details below and email directly to the contact for any queries.
42 Norfolk St
The Lecture Theatre
Ashtonfield, NSW 2323
Google map and directions