Perth billboard flogs OnlyFans porn subscriptions

A billboard in a northern Perth suburb is currently being used to promote pornography.

(Source: PerthNow)

A QR code featured on the billboard takes viewers directly to an OnlyFans page where paying subscribers can access content including ‘bondage’ and ‘anal’. 

(Read about how porn platform OnlyFans exploits and disempowers women here.)

The massive billboard located on a busy Osborne Park street features an image of a woman posed spread-legged on all fours. It is visible to an all ages audience which includes children - many of whom are well versed in QR code access (a skill taught in primary school).

The billboard also features an Instagram handle. The rated 13+ platform provides users with easy access to the affilliated OnlyFans porn account via the link featured in the Instagram account bio.

City of Stirling Mayor Mark Irwin said the City needed complaints in order to take action, adding that a ‘private entity’ ultimately controlled what was displayed on the billboard.

Help get this billboard pulled down - take action!

Contact City of Stirling

Lodge a complaint with Ad Standards here.

Let us know if you get a response.

*UPDATE: City of Stirling responds

The City of Stirling has responded to concerned community members who called on them to pull down a billboard ad flogging OnlyFans porn subscriptions. A customer service rep advised that the billboard contents are ‘not controlled by the City’ but by the landowner.

The representative said the City would be raising its own concerns with the Australian Association of National Advertisers via Ad Standards and encouraged community members to do the same.

We will also be lodging complaints with Ad Standards - knowing full well how impotent the system is:

  • It could be weeks before Ad Standards issues a ruling on the complaints
  • There’s no guarantee Ad Standards will uphold complaints (they’ve dismissed complaints against similar ads on many occasions)
  • Ad Standards has no power to enforce its rulings

More updates to come.

See also

Side Hustles and Sexual Exploitation: Australian news media reporting and commentary on the sex industry during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pink-cladding: The corporates who use women to cover their sexploitative tracks

Perth Public Transport Authority orders takedown of ‘JobSeeker boob job’ bus ad

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  • Collective Shout
    published this page in News 2023-04-12 07:29:19 +1000

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