Pizza Hub logo and colour scheme deliberate Pornhub copy
Pornhub is one of the largest video sharing porn sites in the world. The site is known for hosting child sexual abuse material and footage of sex trafficking victims. It was recently reported that a mother located her missing 15 year old daughter when she saw videos of the girl on Pornhub.
Until recently, Pornhub was an 'official partner' of porn label 'Girls do Porn.' The owners of the brand have been charged with sex trafficking offences and twenty-two young women have launched legal proceedings against them for fraud and coercion. Despite this, Pornhub continues to host 'Girls do Porn' videos on its website.
Pornhub also refuses to cooperate with women who are victims of 'revenge porn' and have pleaded with the site to remove intimate photos and footage posted by malicious ex partners.
Countless videos on Pornhub eroticise sex with children, sexual violence, abduction and rape. We have documented some of this content here. [content warning: may be distressing]
This is the company Pizza Hub has exploited for shock value and brand recognition.
Consistent with the Pornhub theme, Pizza Hub ads use sexual innuendo referencing masturbation and womens breasts. Women are on the menu with Pizzas given female names like Vittoria and Lexus. Above these names are the words "120K views" and "99%" and the thumbs up symbol. The reference to Pornhub couldn't be clearer.
Boycott Pizza Hub
Exploiting Pornhub's branding, with logo design, colour scheme, look and feel is in effect cross-promoting one of the largest sexual exploitation sites in the world. Choose a restaurant that doesn't make light of the global sexual exploitation of women and girls for profit.
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