Honey Birdette's latest porn themed ads during school holidays

Peter Allen. Steve McCann. Damien Frawley. Stephen Conry. Bob Johnston. Adam Tindall. Ross Robertson. Kevin O’Sullivan. Grant Kelley. Mark Steiner. Daryl Browning. Darren Steinberg.

These are the leaders of our local family friendly shopping centres - lessors to and profiteers from sex shop Honey Birdette. Hosts of public displays of porn-themed imagery. Facilitators of all-age viewing of larger-than-life-sized porn-style pics.



The ads currently running in Honey Birdette’s shop windows most certainly breach ad industry Code of Ethics. Yet there they are, forming the backdrop to current school holiday activities. 

This is not good enough. These so-called leaders have repeatedly failed our communities and our kids.

  1. Sign the petition https://www.change.org/p/stop-allowing-honey-birdette-using-porn-style-advertising-in-your-family-friendly-shopping-centres
  2. Share the petition link with your friends and family members
  3. Email the shopping centre company leaders directly and ask them to once and for all put a stop to Honey Birdette’s public displays of porn-style ads in your community (you can find their contact details here)

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