Pornifying the classroom: a lesson in objectification for Year 8s

City Beach selling sexism to 12-13 year olds

A Collective Shout supporter notified us today of a pencil case found to be in a year 8 student's possession.


While City Beach has a long history as a misogynist corporate offender – which is why they feature on our ‘Cross ‘Em off your Xmas list’ blacklist of corporate sexist offenders - even we were surprised that the store was now flogging porn-inspired pencil cases to 12-13 year olds. Keep your pens together – and promote sexism – for only $19.99!
Imagine what would happen if a teacher downloaded or decorated his office wall with the same images. But hypersexualised images on student’s school items are apparently exempt. These images are a form of sexual harassment for schoolgirls and re-enforce a message they receive daily from media, advertising and popular culture that they are merely objects for male gratification and pleasure. They are also harassing to female teachers.

UPDATE have picked up the story Provocative images on pencil cases cause a furore in schools



citybeachdiscontinuepencilcase-145x188.jpgCity Beach have announced that they are discontinuing the pencil case. This means they will not be ordering anymore, but will continue selling what stock they have at a discounted price. This makes the pencil cases even more affordable for young people to purchase.

Take Action!

Contact City Beach here.

Write a review of the pencil case on City Beach's website here. Product now removed from City Beach's website after receiving reviews like this and this.

Contact City Beach on Facebook and Twitter

See also ‘Does the Human Rights Commission really care about gender equality?’

You can defend their right to childhood

A world free of sexploitation is possible!

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