New research has found that pornography features prominently in accounts of women who have experienced Intimate Partner Sexual Violence.
In an article published on University of Melbourne Pursuit, We Need To Talk About Pornography, Lauren Tarzia and Meagan Tyler discuss the ways pornography is "clearly and directly implicated in survivors’ experiences of ISPV":
In the Beyond Silence study, women reported pornography being used as ‘manual’ to determine what kinds of abuse they would be subjected to. They reported being forced to watch pornography to groom them or coerce them into particular sex acts.
Here in their own words are examples from three different women:
“Knowing what I know now, he’s obviously been watching porn. He’s got it from there and he’s wanted to try it.”
“It would be verbally saying stuff, like, using pornography to make me think those things were normal, and that’s what everybody does. So, like, planting seeds of ideas of this is what you should want to do.”
“He would make me watch pornography with him that I found very, very demeaning and just made me squirm. He actually wanted to have sex while it was on and I just didn’t... I didn’t even want to be there, let alone do anything else.
“But there was always that pressure.”
Some participants also offered thoughts on the role of pornography, more generally beyond their own personal experiences. As one woman said in Beyond Silence:
“I think porn is a massive issue … I really do feel like that massively impacts the way that women are treated, especially young women going in and feeling like that’s how you should be treated in relationships.”
See also:
What's the problem with porn? Collective Shout respond to common pro-porn arguments
Growing Up in Pornland: Girls Have Had It with Porn Conditioned Boys- ABC Religion and Ethics
There's no such thing as "ethical" porn
Porn doesn't liberate women, it teaches them to smile at their abuse
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