Nina, an Australian sex industry and trafficking survivor, responds to the news that pimping and sex buying has been decriminalised in her home state, Victoria.
No words can express how I feel that the Victorian government has chosen to “decriminalise” the sex trade.
My own home city has made what happened to me someone else’s legal right.
Rape, torture, assault, harassment - these are all things that may now be purchased.
The inside of a body can be merchandise.
How could anyone think this is protecting human rights? A product cannot ask for human rights.
A product is whatever the consumer wants. And what isn’t allowed in the the sex trade? There are no limits to the pain each buyer can inflict.
When you are transformed into a service and a product, you cease to be a human being with feelings.
Nina is a survivor of the sex trade and trafficking in Australia and writes about her experiences on Spinster and Instagram.
See also:
Sex trade survivors excluded from Victorian Gov prostitution review speak out on abuse of process
The Connection Between Prostitution and Sex Trafficking
The Men Who Buy Women for Sex - ABC Religion and Ethics
Prostitution Narratives: Stories of Survival in the Sex Trade edited by Caroline Norma and Melinda Tankard Reist
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