Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality

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Recommendations from Collective Shout in this submission include:

  • The objectification of women be made central to government policy makers in understanding the connection between gender inequality and domestic violence.
  • Prostitution and pornography be officially recognised by the Government as forms of violence against women and as factors both caused by, and contributing to, gender inequality.
  • The objectification and sexualisation of women and girls be a central consideration in the regulation of advertising, marketing, and the media.
  • The prevalence of sexualised images of women and girls in Australian society be recognised as a significant underlying contributor to violence against women and girls.
  • The role of the Advertising Standards Bureau be reviewed, and a new code of ethics on objectification form part of the ASB’s criteria for complaints.
  • Restructure the current regulatory environment to bring the regulation of all media and marketing together under one encompassing independent federal regulator, including a division with the primary responsibility of protecting the interests of children and young people.
  • The Nordic Model be adopted as Australia’s legislative approach to prostitution.


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