Calling on Media to #Askhermore at AFL Brownlow Medal
The annual Brownlow Medal award ceremony will be held tonight to celebrate the sporting accomplishments of AFL players.
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Three years of silence from the AFL
AFL star Lance “Buddy” Franklin still promoting porn t-shirt brand to fans
Read moreAFL supports White Ribbon Day while ignoring Buddy Franklin degrading porn tees and company’s jokes about raping women
Nena and Pasadena encouraged jokes about raping women with their reply, ‘Keep em coming guys - this is very entertaining!
The Australian Football League proudly partners with the White Ribbon Campaign to stop violence against women.
According to the White Ribbon website :
The AFL (Australian Football League) is committed to tackling the issues of violence against women. Their support of White Ribbon has been long standing with many AFL managers and players participating in White Ribbon's Ambassador Program, and their commitment to driving change is also reflected through their respect and responsibility programs.
"Their commitment to driving change is reflected through their respect and responsibility programs."
Read moreBuddy's no role model
AFL footballer Lance 'Buddy' Franklin has released 'The Buddy Ball' football for kids. But what else is he selling?
[UPDATE] Collective Shout's "Give porn tees the boot buddy" banner confiscated at AFL game
Read moreMixed messages: AFL talks respect for women but silent on Buddy's sexist tees
Last week we wrote about a tshirt brand, Nena and Pasadena. Nena and Pasadena objectify and degrade women on tshirts and market these items to teenage boys. Collective Shout supporters have been contacting Nena and Pasadena and the retailers that stock the brand. You can read the article and comments including Nena and Pasadena's dismissive responses here.
Read moreNena and Pasadena: objectification on a shirt
Another clothing brand jumps on the porn tshirt bandwagon
[UPDATED] AFL footballer a designer and model for Nena and Pasadena.
Recently, a Collective Shout supporter alerted us to 'Nena and Pasadena' a clothing brand which produces pornified tshirts. Nena and Pasadena is stocked in stores such as City Beach (are we surprised?) Edge, Live and Globalise.
Caitlin wrote on our community page:
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