Pornification Of Our Nation
Collective Shout's co founder Melinda Tankard Reist joins a panel of experts and two young people to discuss the harms of pornography
Harm being done to Australian children through access to pornography on the Internet
On 2 December 2015 the Senate referred the following matter for inquiry and report by 1 December 2016.
Harm being done to Australian children through access to pornography on the Internet
The closing date for submissions is 10 March 2016.
About this inquiry
The harm being done to Australian children through access to pornography on the Internet including trends in children's consumption of pornography, the impact of this on the development of health and respectful relationships, harm minimisation methods used in other jurisdictions and possible measures to be implemented in Australia.
The danger when porn becomes sex ed
Question: Is your teenage son or daughter watching pornography online? Answer: Yes, almost certainly.
As new figures show 93 per cent of boys and 61 per cent of girls aged 13 to 16 are exposed to porn online, experts are raising the alarm over its impact on young people.
Read moreWin! Bookworld forced to withdraw incest titles
How Bookworld profited from intra-familial child sexual abuse
*Trigger warning - child sexual abuse, incest*
We've just campaigned against Condom Kingdom selling products that eroticise sex with underage girls and therefore, paedophilia. But Condom Kingdom isn’t the only retailer providing masturbatory material for sexual predators. Bookworld - formerly known as Borders - has been selling multiple titles eroticising incest.
Facebook: Stop Allowing Sex Ads & Pornographic Content
Activists petition Facebook to uphold policies
Read moreWin! Telstra removes porn from Bigpond site
Ever thought emails and complaints weren't worth the effort? Read on
Read moreDiva breaches pledge to remove Playboy jewellery from stores
Caught selling Playboy necklaces to 10 year old girls
Last year, Diva, the jewellery and accessories store popular with teenage girls, began selling Playboy branded jewellery. Amid public outcry, we began a campaign calling on Diva to remove Playboy items from sale. This included our petition that received a total of 8,428 signatures in a matter of weeks, personally delivered to Diva stores around the country.
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