Federal ALP MP slams Etsy's child abuse themed merch
Prominent child protection experts also speak out
Anna Cordell's petition to Etsy calling on corporate leaders to stop selling incest and child abuse themed merch has drawn support from around the world. It has so far attracted over 17k signatures, and hundreds of comments condemning Etsy's lack of corporate social responsibility.
Read moreDriving childhood out of children: corporate paedophilia’s systematic assault on kids
Sexualisation, violence, commercialisation, commodification: Right to Childhood conference hears evidence of harm to children
From Melinda Tankard Reist's blog.
The Right to Childhood conference last Friday at Sydney’s Wesley Centre was a wake-up call to a society hell bent on forcing children to be exposed to imagery and messages which wreak havoc on their physical and mental health. Initiated by Dr Ramesh Manocha of HealthEd and co-sponsored by Collective Shout, close to 400 people heard expert evidence on just how bad things are for children and young people: and how all the indicators on health and wellbeing are set to worsen if not addressed as a matter of urgency.