Look who we've #CrossedOff our shopping list for 2016
It's that time of year again, already! As Christmas approaches, retailers are kicking it up a notch competing for your business, and Collective Shout releases our annual blacklist of corporate offenders who have sexualised girls and objectified women throughout the year. These companies do not respect women, they have not changed their ways, and they don't deserve your money.
You can speak with your wallet and show these companies that sexually exploiting women and girls is bad for business.
Below is our boycott list for 2016:
Read more"Hide your daughters" sexist messages on children's clothing at Best and Less
"Love you long time" girls jumper pulled from sale. But what else are they selling?
Read moreLove you long time: prostitution slogans on kids clothes at Best and Less
[UPDATE] Win! Best and Less pulls jumper from shelves
We can't ignore the misogynistic and racist history of this phrase
Read moreCross'em off your Xmas list 2013
Corporate offenders of 2013
The festive season is here. You only need to look at the latest shopping centre catalogues, online stores and even your facebook news feed to see that companies are working hard to compete for your Xmas dollar.
But lets not forget which of these companies have used sexploitation to flog their products in 2013! Before you buy gifts for friends and family, check our list. Vote with your dollar and boycott companies that have sexualised children and objectified women for profit in 2013.
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