SHEIN flogs see-through g-strings for toddler girls
SHEIN clothing, toys sexualise kids
Read moreWIN! Thrivent divests from strip club shares
US-based investment firm Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has quietly sold off over one million dollars in shares in strip club company RCI Hospitality Holdings (RCIHH) after Collective Shout called on them to divest.
We were surprised when we discovered Thrivent - a company with particular appeal to faith-based and ethically motivated investors - was propping up and profiting from the sale of women’s bodies as men’s sexual entertainment.
Over the weekend it was reported that Thrivent divested in all remaining shares for RCIHH. This is a massive victory for our movement!
Read moreSex abuse survivor condemns Lutheran company’s strip club investments and shuts daughter’s account
“Imagine my shock when I discovered my own ten-year-old daughter was unknowingly profiting from the sexual degradation of other women”
By Sarah St. Onge
Read moreCancel child sex abuse doll company 'audited supplier' certificates: our call to Bureau Veritas
Read our open letter to the CEO of French certification company Bureau Veritas, Didier Michaud-Daniel, below.
Read more‘High fashion swimwear images’: Ad Standards gaslights members objecting to sex shop ad
In its latest failure to protect community members from exposure to harmful, porn themed ads which objectify women, Ad Standards has ruled against its own panel members in defence of Playboy owned sex shop Honey Birdette’s shop window ad.
Read moreThrivent attempts to hush strip club critics
It's time to come clean
When I first heard that Thrivent Financial for Lutherans reportedly owned shares in strip clubs I knew I had to call them out. This company, with particular appeal to faith-based and ethically motivated investors - was propping up and profiting from the sale of women’s bodies as men’s sexual entertainment.
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