How can I support you financially?
Through single donations or monthly giving, you can directly fuel our campaigns.
Your contribution helps fund the work of our activists who challenge companies about their advertising, enable lobbying of politicians, and send Collective Shout representatives to schools, professional and community groups.
You can find information on how to leave a bequest for Collective Shout here.
Will you partner with us?
We need ongoing funding to keep the momentum. Sign up using this form or alternatively, set up a direct deposit through your bank.
Please email [email protected] when you have set this up and let us know your full name and how regularly you would like to receive your tax-deductible donation receipt (eg. monthly, quarterly or annually).
Collective Shout Public Fund
BSB: 032505
Account: 382709
Ref: First & Last name monthly give
Through monthly giving, you can directly support Collective Shout’s campaigns against the objectification of women and sexualisation of girls in media, advertising and popular culture. As well as constantly holding corporations and marketers accountable for their depiction of women and girls, Collective Shout equips others to campaign, and educates young people to resist harmful messages about their bodies, relationships and sexuality to bring about grassroots cultural transformation.
By making a regular donation you can help Collective Shout lobby those with power and influence to effect positive change.
Your generous monthly donation will fund the ongoing work of our activists, challenge companies about their advertising, enable lobbying of politicians, and send Collective Shout representatives to schools to engage with young men and women on these important issues.
Thank you for your contribution,
From the team at Collective Shout
*All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Brave Shave
In the words of my personal hero, "it is finished". The deed is done. My hair is gone.
With your support and that of my family, friends, and the fabulous team at SHE Hair Ink, I've shaved my head, laid bare my soul, and raised vital funds for a cause that becomes closer to my heart each time I meet another soul who shares with me the part sexualisation and objectification have played on their life's journey.
I have said it before, and I will say it again: it has been an absolute privilege and honour to be a part of the Collective Shout team and do this for them.
Thank you! Here’s another way you can take action…
Thanks for signing the petition calling on McDonald's to implement a family friendly in-store TV policy.
If you’d like to go a step further, we’d be grateful for any donation you can give below.
Your generosity will help us continue campaigning against the objectification of women and the sexualisation of girls in the media, advertising and popular culture. Thank you!