Our recommendations re sexualised depictions of children heard: Gov responds to Classifications Review
In 2020, after the discovery of illegal child sexual abuse material being sold in Australian stores – and with an unrestricted age rating - we called for an overhaul of the Classifications system.
Read moreUrgent calls for age restrictions to online porn: Our AV campaign in the media
For more than 10 years we have been campaigning for politicians to take serious action regarding young people's exposure to pornography. We had a big win recently with the Federal Government finally committing to an age verification trial.
In the lead up to the Government's announcement our Movement Director Melinda Tankard Reist was interviewed on ABC Radio to discuss the links between porn and violence against women and the impact this is having on young people. Listen here.
Stop letting companies sexualise kids! Our message to WA Parliament
Joint submission with the Hon. Nick Goiran MLC on protecting children from harmful, hypersexualised advertising
Read moreClassifications system failing us and kids unsafe online: Collective Shout calls for urgent action in recent submissions
Over the past few months, we’ve been busy preparing submissions into various Government inquiries. Just this month, two of our submissions have been made public- our submission into the Review of Australian classification regulation, and our submission on Online Safety Legislation reform.
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