Your Christmas gift today will mean even more reasons to celebrate in 2025
With more resources, more financial investment, bigger dreams can be realised. Like:
- Reining in the global porn industry
- Tightening up advertising regulation so kids don’t have to see pornified portrayals of women in our shopping centres (as they are right now)
- Securing a global ban on AI-enabled undressing and nudifying apps which are being used against Australian schoolgirls
- Achieving a global ban on child sex abuse dolls
Will you help us get the report into the hands of decision makers?
This week we release our 'Sexual Harassment of Teachers’ [SHoT] report, published in partnership with author and parenting educator Maggie Dent.
We are at crisis point.
We have called for a strong, national, uniform response to address the problem.
Your tax-deductible donation today will enable us to
- Get this report into the hands of every State and Federal MP in Australia
- Get this report into the hands of the Secretary and Deputy Secretaries of the Federal Department of Education
- Get this report into the hands of State and Territory Education Departments
- Consult with school leaders to help them address the issue
Empower Girls' Visions for the Future – Today!
With your investment we can:
- Call out Big Tech companies profiting from AI images which exploit women and children
- Call for a global ban on nudifying/undressing apps
- Lobby for stronger penalties in our Online Safety regulations
We need your help to fight porn's new super weapon
Your tax-deductible donation today will enable us to:
- Call out Big Tech companies profiting from AI images which exploit women and children
- Call for a global ban on nudifying/undressing apps
- Lobby for stronger penalties in our On-Line Safety regulations
Your support means a better world for women and girls
Your gift this International Women’s Day means we can:
- Get rid of Playboy-owned sex store Honey Birdette’s pornified ads all over our shopping centres once and for all
- Bring the porn industry to account for crimes against women and girls
- Publish our new sexual harassment report in partnership with parenting expert Maggie Dent
(And don't forget, all gifts over $2 are tax deductible)
DonateInvest in Change
“He said he’d rape me if I didn’t send nudes…” Mia, 13.
Will you stand up for girls like Mia on Day of the Girl?
Your investment will help us:
- Reach 20 key cross party MPs to demand policy change
- Ramp up our social media campaigns targeting PM Anthony Albanese and Communications Minister Michelle Rowland
- Advance our local and global campaign with like-minded experts and allies
Right now you have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of young people. Give today and your gift will be doubled by a matched grant.
DonateWill you partner with us?
We need ongoing funding to keep the momentum. Sign up using this form or alternatively, set up a direct deposit through your bank.
Please email [email protected] when you have set this up and let us know your full name and how regularly you would like to receive your tax-deductible donation receipt (eg. monthly, quarterly or annually).
Collective Shout Public Fund
BSB: 032505
Account: 382709
Ref: First & Last name monthly give
Through monthly giving, you can directly support Collective Shout’s campaigns against the objectification of women and sexualisation of girls in media, advertising and popular culture. As well as constantly holding corporations and marketers accountable for their depiction of women and girls, Collective Shout equips others to campaign, and educates young people to resist harmful messages about their bodies, relationships and sexuality to bring about grassroots cultural transformation.
By making a regular donation you can help Collective Shout lobby those with power and influence to effect positive change.
Your generous monthly donation will fund the ongoing work of our activists, challenge companies about their advertising, enable lobbying of politicians, and send Collective Shout representatives to schools to engage with young men and women on these important issues.
Thank you for your contribution,
From the team at Collective Shout
*All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Open Letter to Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing
Att: Sandy Grant, Chief Executive & Chair and Fiona Hardie, Chair, Hardie Grant Media & Director
Remove harmful advice to minors on headless nudes from 'Welcome to Sex'
We the undersigned write to urge you as publishers of ‘Welcome to Sex’ (Dr Melissa Kang, Yumi Stynes, Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing, Richmond, Vic, 2023) to remove advice for minors re the sending of nudes.
While we support efforts to educate children and young people about bodies, sexuality, relationships and consent, we believe this advice fails child safeguarding standards and puts children and young people at risk.
In the section titled ‘Nudes, texting and online sex’, the authors write (p.174) “If we were talking to our own kids, we’d tell them to always crop their heads out of any photos, just in case…”
Australian laws make it a crime to possess, produce or distribute sexual images of minors. In some cases, there may be some limited exceptions and defences - but your readers, acting on the advice on headless nudes, may risk being charged with very serious criminal offences.
Criminal charges are not the only risk. There is evidence to suggest that boys in Australian schools play at guessing who the headless nude belongs to, causing distress among girls who fear they may be wrongly identified as the sender. In this context, boys play ‘swap the head’, superimposing a preferred head onto the image and sharing it among their groups.
We are also concerned about advice on p.175, “If you send a nude with someone you’re being intimate with, they aren’t allowed to share it with anyone else without your consent, and vice-versa – it can be a crime.” This advice is also misleading. In these cases, 'consent' may not be recognised as a defence or exception in criminal law.
We believe there is a significant risk that you have inadvertently published advice which may lead to the commission of an offence.
Children and young people – especially those skimming the book in school libraries without mediation of an adult who may understand the risks – cannot be expected to be across the legal ramifications.
For these reasons we call on you to remove this section of your title prior to the next reprint.
Your ongoing support will mean a better world for women and girls
Your monthly partnership means we can:
- Challenge more corporates for objectifying and sexualising women and girls
- Lobby more MPs to support proof-of-age measures to protect children from online porn + for a new ad regulation system to stop sexist ads dominating public spaces
- Empower more young people to resist the harms of porn
- Launch a new campaign for uniform laws to ban child sex abuse dolls globally
(And don't forget, all gifts over $2 are tax deductible)
If you do not wish to use PayPal, you can choose to set up a direct deposit into the following account below.
Please email [email protected] when you have set this up and let us know your full name and how regularly you would like to receive your tax-deductible donation receipt (eg. monthly, quarterly or annually).
Collective Shout Public Fund
BSB: 032505
Account: 382709
Ref: First & Last name monthly give
DonateJoin us for the encore virtual screening
*If you are unable to attend the screening but wish to make a donation please click here.
Join us Friday October 22, 7.30pm AEDT for an encore virtual screening of 'The Children in the Pictures' as part of our annual International Day of the Girl Child fundraiser.
Your donation of $25 or more will give you an inside look at the world’s fastest growing crime and efforts to end it - and help fuel our work for a world free of sexploitation.