WIN: Child sex abuse doll seller pulled from Insta after we pressured execs
In a flip-flop ruling, Instagram has pulled a child sex abuse doll seller’s account. At first, Instagram told us they did NOT remove the account because it did not go against their Community Guidelines. So we took to X to show exactly how it DID breach parent company Meta’s terms of service which prohibit publication of child exploitation material and content which sexualises children.
Read moreWhy I’m celebrating the social media minimum age win: One mum’s reflection
By Tahlia Perry
Can we please take a minute to pause, quieten the white noise and celebrate an amazing win for Australian parents, children and young people?
Last night, the Federal Parliament passed the Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024. This means that in 12 months’ time my child and young people across Australia will have one barrier in place to keep them safer online.
Is this Bill a silver bullet? No, but it never claimed to be.
Read moreFrom kidfluencer to OnlyFans: 18yo woman caught in Insta-to-porn pipeline
Girls pay price as Instagram ignores calls to ban "parent run" accounts
Eighteen year old Dutch woman “Jacky Dejo” is the subject of a new New York Times report highlighting the risks of exploitation and predation of girls on mainstream social media. The piece exposes the inherent dangers of “parent-run” Instagram accounts and the risks posed to girls who post “modelling” content including:
Read more“We have failed these girls”: Our campaigner Lyn Swanson Kennedy featured on ABC’s Four Corners
“There are many parents who know exactly what's going on and they willfully turn a blind eye."
Last week, our very own campaigner Lyn Swanson Kennedy was featured on an episode of ABC’s Four Corners, Kidfluencers.
(Four Corners: Keana Naughton)
Read moreAI images of little boys in fetish gear on Instagram “not actionable”, says eSafety
We’ve discovered AI-generated images of young children on Instagram we believe constitute illegal child sexual abuse material.
The images depict little boys in minimal clothing, some adorned with fetish gear, and their bodies oiled. When we reported the account to eSafety, we were told the content was not actionable given the lack of nudity and “non-sexualised posing”.
Read moreWIN! Boveda’s bum groping post gone in an hour
Our fifth victory for 2024!
NSW supporter Pat sent our Movement Director MTR this image late Sunday afternoon, posted to the Insta account of Boveda, which describes itself as a ‘Modern Mexican Tequila Bar’ in Thirroul, NSW.
WIN: Sex doll flogger 'Rod' gone from Instagram
Accounts tied to toddler sex abuse doll company disappear after supporter action
Read moreInstagram slammed for ’fuelling’ the sale of child-like sex dolls: our investigations in the media
Our investigation makes national news
Read moreInstagram aids child sex abuse doll sellers *Updated* WIN: 8 child sex abuse doll accounts removed from Instagram
Is Australian sex doll "influencer" Rod profiting from the sale of toddler sex abuse dolls?
Read more