Cross'em off your Xmas list 2013
Corporate offenders of 2013
The festive season is here. You only need to look at the latest shopping centre catalogues, online stores and even your facebook news feed to see that companies are working hard to compete for your Xmas dollar.
But lets not forget which of these companies have used sexploitation to flog their products in 2013! Before you buy gifts for friends and family, check our list. Vote with your dollar and boycott companies that have sexualised children and objectified women for profit in 2013.
Read moreCross'em off your Xmas list 2011
Don't pay for Sexploitation this holiday season
Read moreNena and Pasadena: objectification on a shirt
Another clothing brand jumps on the porn tshirt bandwagon
[UPDATED] AFL footballer a designer and model for Nena and Pasadena.
Recently, a Collective Shout supporter alerted us to 'Nena and Pasadena' a clothing brand which produces pornified tshirts. Nena and Pasadena is stocked in stores such as City Beach (are we surprised?) Edge, Live and Globalise.
Caitlin wrote on our community page:
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