Why don’t you include men in your mission statement? It’s not right to objectify men either.
While both men and women can be sexualised, it is primarily women who are being objectified, and women who are far more likely to be negatively impacted by it as demonstrated earlier.
When men are sexualised in media and advertising, they are not typically demeaned, portrayed as decorative objects or posed as vulnerable and submissive in the ways that women are. Men are also rarely dismembered and presented as a collection of sexualised or individual body parts. Instead, men are depicted as hyper-masculine and strong. The sexualising and objectifying treatment of men may serve to enhance their power and status rather than to reduce it.
Having said that, we do not support ‘equal opportunity’ objectification. We encourage individuals to speak out against objectification including when men and boys are subjected to it.
Wake Up With A Big One
While Collective Shout primarily campaigns against the objectification of women and sexualisation of girls we do from time to time have examples of men being objectified cross our desks. The Body Shop have done it again with their latest 'Wake Up With A Big One' ad campaign
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