Media Release: Collective Shout releases annual corporate offender blacklist
Grassroots campaigning movement Collective Shout: for a world free of sexploitation has released its annual “Crossed Off” list. First launched 13 years ago, the blacklist is a compilation of corporate offenders which have objectified women and sexualised girls to sell products and services throughout the year.
Read moreMaxim's Hot 100 list an insult to women - MTR quoted in Daily Mail
'Women don't need shoutouts from serial sexist mags like Maxim"
Read moreMedia Release: Collective Shout welcomes new National Plan to end Violence Against Women and Children - urges specific action to address pornography as a driver
The National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-32 was released today.
Read moreWomen harmed by porn-using men and sex dolls: Online launches, podcasts and media
This year has seen the release of two new books from the CS team - He Chose Porn Over Me by Melinda Tankard Reist and Sex Dolls, Robots and Woman Hating by Caitlin Roper - both published by our latest pledge partner, Spinifex Press.
Below is a collation of their 'best of' interviews over the last few months - podcasts, presentations and news articles - about the contents of their new books.
Read moreIn the news: Caitlin Roper reveals shocking child sex abuse doll trade secrets
‘The sinister world of the illegal child sex abuse doll trade has been explored in a new book that reveals some shocking secrets.’
Read moreQueensland wants to deregulate the sex industry because it's cheaper, not because it's 'safer'
By Dr Caroline Norma
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