Women harmed by porn-using men and sex dolls: Online launches, podcasts and media
This year has seen the release of two new books from the CS team - He Chose Porn Over Me by Melinda Tankard Reist and Sex Dolls, Robots and Woman Hating by Caitlin Roper - both published by our latest pledge partner, Spinifex Press.
Below is a collation of their 'best of' interviews over the last few months - podcasts, presentations and news articles - about the contents of their new books.
Read more‘I just became an object’: the porn driven experiment on young people’s sexuality
Over exposure is making teens pawns to porn
A 15-year-old boy confided in me after I addressed his class at a Sydney school last year. He cried as he told me he had been using porn since the age of nine. He didn't have a social life, had few friends, had never had a girlfriend. His life revolved around online porn. He wanted to stop, he said, but didn't know how.
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