WIN: Larson dumps strip club shares
After months of calling on St Louis (USA) based Larson Financial Holdings to dump its shares in strip club company RCI Hospitality Holdings, we finally got a response – and it was positive!
Read moreWIN: Investor dumps Playboy after our campaign
Trinity Financial Advisors has dumped all Playboy shares following our call to divest from the pornography empire. The Ohio-based company first reported ownership of Playboy stock - 22k shares - in June 2024.
Read moreMega pimp RCI Hospitality Holdings faces venue shutdowns for prostitution crimes
Strip club owner linked to years of criminal activity, politicians
RCI Hospitality Holdings (RCIHH or Rick's) is a publicly listed strip club company (NASDAQ trade code: RICK) which trades explicitly on women’s bodies for men’s sexual entertainment. According to its website it owns 58 strip clubs (and 13 'Bombshells' restaurants) across 13 American states.
We were surprised to discover a Lutheran investment firm - Thrivent - was a long time shareholder in Rick's. We led a successful campaign calling on them to divest on account that strip club shares violated their responsible investment claims and commitments.
Read moreStop propping up sexploitation - our message to Playboy investors **Updated** WIN: Goldman Sachs mass-dumps PLBY shares after our calls to divest
Big banks + teachers' fund named
Read moreInvested in sexploitation: Playboy Group shareholders exposed
Are your hard-earned dollars propping up Playboy?
Read moreBDSM porn-themed ads hosted by shopping centres found in breach of ad code of ethics
Champions of Change fail to take action against sexploitation, super companies prop it up
Read moreInvested in sexploitation
Our letter to Etsy shareholders
Online global e-commerce platform Etsy still has not responded to the petition calling on corporate heads to stop selling incest and child abuse themed merchandise.
So we got together with some of our global anti sexploitation partners to send a letter to Etsy's major shareholders. Read it below.