Gail Dines writes about the pro porn lobby in Australia
Time to start telling the truth about the porn industry
I thought I was coming to Australia for a mix of work and sightseeing. Well, I was correct about the work part, but missed seeing your beautiful country since I spent much of my time holed up in the studios of ABC.
My book Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, was, thanks to the efforts of Spinifex Press, selected to be part of the Sydney Writer's Festival, so I assumed I would have a work-packed four days and then some down time.
Playboy cameos in g rated kids film 'hop'
The Easter Bunny described as 'sexy' by Hugh Hefner
Collective Shout supporter Emily has alerted us to Playboy's latest product placement, kids Easter Film 'Hop.' Like many others will do on the school holidays, Emily had taken her child to see the film.
Emily writes:
Collective Shout calls on ACT Gov to adopt Swedish prostitution model
The ACT Government is holding an inquiry into prostitution in the Territory. Collective Shout has made a submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety. Here it is:
Collective Shout submission in response to the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety review of the operation of the Prostitution Act 1992
Read moreAd Standards Board bans Kittens Carwash Striptease bus ad
As published in the Herald Sun
Read moreA GIANT advertisement for a striptease school has been banned, five years after it began providing eye candy for passing drivers.
In a reflection of changing community attitudes, the image of a bikini-clad woman stretched along a bus has been found by the Advertising Standards Bureau to be sexually suggestive.
Adairs promotes Playboy
The global brand of the sex industry on your bed sheets
This is the new Playboy 'Mansion' Collection now available at Adairs. A friend received the promotion via email and forwarded it to us.
Read moreLetter challenges newspaper's porn ad
Learn Italian, play skirmish, do gymnastics, get some porn
Following on from Ryl Harrison's article challenging Makita's sexist advertising which featured some great examples of letter writing, we thought you might like to read this letter which Rose has sent to her local newspaper.
Local newspapers increasingly have this odd mix of family and community stories alongside invitations to visit the local brothel or sex shop. Rose decided it was worth speaking up about. On'ya Rose! We look forward to hearing their response.
Read moreGeneral Pants pole dancers in shop front windows
This photo was taken April 2009. Pole dancers in shop front windows of a General Pants store, Bourke Street Melbourne.
Read moreAd Standards Board gives green light to Kittens carwash striptease bus ad
Complaints dismissed
"...did not expose the breasts or genitals in any way." "...images…relevant to the product being advertised."
Read more