Boys are scholars, girls are looked at: Gap slammed for sexist kids t-shirts
Clothing retailer Gap has been accused of sexism over their latest kids collection. The advertising campaign features a little boy, labelled 'the scholar' wearing an Albert Einstein t-shirt, and a girl, the 'social butterfly' whose outfit is the 'talk of the playground'.
Read moreHer daughter was sexually exploited online so this mum took action!
We have a saying at Collective Shout:
Read moreABC News covers Collective Shout Frilledneck Fashion sexualisation campaign
Last week we exposed Frilledneck Fashion, a dancewear company posting sexualising images of pre-teen girls on social media. Today ABC News ran a feature on our campaign.
Read moreAmazon's sexy nurse outfit for toddlers
So let's just get one thing clear, 'sexy' and 'toddler' should NEVER go together to sell a product. Yet somehow this product titled 'Sexy Nurse Toddler T-Shirt' ended up on Amazon.
Read moreSubmission to the Parliament of NSW Committee on Children and Young People Inquiry into sexualisation of children and young people
Submission summary
Read moreObject to "Hooters" opening in Townsville
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Read moreBrave Girls Want...Change!
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Read moreEducation Qld defends primary school modelling competition
The Ashmore State School Model Search for children as young as two will be held at a Family Fun Fair next month. Prizes include modelling courses worth hundreds of dollars.
Read moreNewborn "sluts" and "blowjob instructors"
Cafepress still selling vulgar, sexualised children's and baby clothes
Read moreDance Moms: Reality TV and the exploitation of children
Collective Shout's South Australian coordinator Nicole Jameson was interviewed along with Psychologist Collett Smart on Adelaide radio on the 23rd or April.
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