Why 'don't like it, don't listen' isn't enough: Caitlin Roper writes about Tyler the Creator for SMH
Caitlin Roper writes about the campaign against Tyler the Creator for the Sydney Morning Herald
Read more‘I just became an object’: the porn driven experiment on young people’s sexuality
Over exposure is making teens pawns to porn
A 15-year-old boy confided in me after I addressed his class at a Sydney school last year. He cried as he told me he had been using porn since the age of nine. He didn't have a social life, had few friends, had never had a girlfriend. His life revolved around online porn. He wanted to stop, he said, but didn't know how.
Read moreThe Sexualisation of Boys
This article in the Sydney Morning Herald discusses the sexualisation of boys. Some great comments included from Julie Gale of Kids Free 2B Kids, Maggie Hamiltion, author of 'What's happening to our boys' and Lisa Cox, advocate and author of 'Does my Bum look big in this ad?'
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