Cross ‘em off your Christmas List: Our 2023 blacklist of companies to avoid!
Don't give these companies your XMAS dollar this year!
Read moreCross ‘em off your Christmas List: Corporate Sexploitation Offenders of 2022
It’s that time of year again! Every year in the lead up to Christmas we release our Crossed Off list – an annual blacklist of corporate offenders who objectify women and sexualise girls for profit.
These companies - some we’ve been exposing for years - continue to flog their sexist and harmful products and services and refuse to change their unethical behaviour. That’s why we’re asking our supporters to once again vote with your wallets and send the message: sexploitation doesn’t sell.
Boycotting the companies below will also demonstrate you care about Corporate Social Responsibility and choose to spend your Christmas dollars ethically. And see below for companies you can spend your money with in good conscience!
Look who we've #CrossedOff our shopping list for 2016
It's that time of year again, already! As Christmas approaches, retailers are kicking it up a notch competing for your business, and Collective Shout releases our annual blacklist of corporate offenders who have sexualised girls and objectified women throughout the year. These companies do not respect women, they have not changed their ways, and they don't deserve your money.
You can speak with your wallet and show these companies that sexually exploiting women and girls is bad for business.
Below is our boycott list for 2016:
Read moreAd Standards dismisses complaints against Tom Ford ad in Style Magazine
"There is no need for a woman to be naked to advertise on the first page"
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What will 30 minutes at Chadstone Shopping Centre tell us about our pornified culture?
Read moreAd Standards Board dismisses complaints against Tom Ford ad in the Australian Financial Review
"AFR should not include material such as this in this type of newspaper or magazine"
Read moreAd Standards Board upholds complaints against department store Tom Ford ad
“the use of a completely naked woman in a promotion of a fragrance has little relevance”
Read moreSexual exploitation by Tom Ford
Fashion designer Tom Ford has a long history of sexually exploitative advertising. Ads for the label sexually objectify women, reducing them to a series of sexualised body parts, or depict naked women alongside fully clothed men.
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