"It feels like a slap in the face"- Survivors speak out about Pornhub and Christie Mack's porn themed 'domestic violence' campaign
Written by Jas Swilks. Originally posted February 13th 2016 on 'Thoughts From Jas'.
TRIGGER WARNING: domestic violence, graphic discussions of violence against women and violent pornography.
Why 'don't like it, don't listen' isn't enough: Caitlin Roper writes about Tyler the Creator for SMH
Caitlin Roper writes about the campaign against Tyler the Creator for the Sydney Morning Herald
Read moreFrontier Touring confirms Tyler the Creator's Australian tour cancelled
Frontier Touring has confirmed that Tyler the Creator will not be visiting Australia. The announcement was posted on Frontier Touring's Facebook page today:
Read moreCollective Shout responds to common arguments from Tyler the Creator fans
Over the course of our Tyler the Creator campaign, we've received hundreds of Facebook comments, emails and tweets from fans of Tyler the Creator. Many of them ask the same questions or reiterate the same defences for Tyler's behaviour. We address some of the more common arguments from Tyler's defenders here.
Read moreAn Open Letter to Triple J- Stop Supporting Tyler the Creator
Collective Shout supporter Sheenah calls on radio station to explain their silence on Tyler the Creator's incitement to violence against women.
In 2014 a member from hip hop band Bliss and Eso made an insensitive comment about domestic violence, putting up an instagram post that mocked violence against women. I was surprised, yet impressed, when Triple J made a stand by refusing to play any Bliss and Eso tracks for an extended period of time, stating that they would ”wait on the audience sentiment before playing the band again.”
Read moreSexualised violence isn't OK just because a woman does it: MTR on Rihanna's 'BBHMM' filmed torture
Sexualised Violence isn’t Alright, Just because a Woman is the Perpetrator
BBHMM revels in the eroticization of total power, control and domination over another woman. But we are expected to see it as empowering, because Rihanna and her henchwomen are the agents of this control
By Melinda Tankard Reist
Read moreInciting violence against women isn't art
Inciting Violence Against Women Isn’t ‘Art’, and Tyler the Creator Shouldn’t Be Granted Entry
Read more20 reasons why Coles and Woolworths should #BinZooMag
Zoo Weekly has a long history of exploiting and objectifying women for the enjoyment of male readers. During this time, supermarket chains Coles and Woolworths have quietly profited from the sale of this unrestricted magazine in stores around the country. There are a lot of reasons why Coles and Woolworths should rethink the sale of Zoo Weekly, but we've narrowed it down to just 20, in no particular order.
Read moreDeny visa for Tyler the Creator: letter to Immigration Minister
The Hon. Mr Peter Dutton MP
Parliament House Ministerial Office
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
Dear Minister,
Read more