Technology and the sexual exploitation of women: Our submission to the UN
Call for input on the use of technology in facilitating and preventing contemporary forms of slavery
In our submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and its consequences (April 2022) we presented evidence of modern technology being used to recruit and subject people to contemporary forms of slavery in Australia.
Submission to Inquiry into the Rights of Women and Children
Porn + prostitution harms to women and children exacerbated by pandemic, war
In our December 2022 submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade inquiry, we highlighted the issues of
- sexual violence against women and children
- the role of the sex industry in normalising and perpetuating this violence
- the particular impact on migrant women within the sex industry in Australia and on pornography as a driver of violence against women
Submission to the Open Consultation on Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2021 to 2024 (UK)
Final report acknowledges role of violent porn in VAWG, need for age verification
Read moreInternational Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2020
'We cannot end violence against women without addressing the cultural drivers which normalise and fuel it.'
November 25 is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It marks the first of 16 days of activism to raise awareness about male violence against women and amplify the global call to end it.
In our decade of work to end sexual exploitation we’ve repeatedly highlighted the links between a culture which glamourises violence against women - in advertising, marketing, products, music and film - and societal attitudes which tolerate it. We cannot end violence against women without addressing the cultural drivers which normalise and fuel it.
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