Picture and People mags: Gone for good!
Racist, sexist: why porn mags had to go
Read more20 reasons why Coles and Woolworths should #BinZooMag
Zoo Weekly has a long history of exploiting and objectifying women for the enjoyment of male readers. During this time, supermarket chains Coles and Woolworths have quietly profited from the sale of this unrestricted magazine in stores around the country. There are a lot of reasons why Coles and Woolworths should rethink the sale of Zoo Weekly, but we've narrowed it down to just 20, in no particular order.
Read moreZoo Identity
The portrayal of women in Zoo Weekly
The piece 'Zoo Identity' is a compilation of written descriptors of women taken directly from the March 2015 issue of Zoo Australia. I endeavoured to communicate the impact of zoo and its portrayal of females on my own identity formation as a young woman.
Read moreZoo Weekly's ANZAC Furore: What About the War on Women?
Zoo Weekly has suffered a volley of artillery fire over its April "Special Commemorative Issue" marking the 100 year anniversary of the Gallipoli landing.
Read moreZoo Weekly: because chopping women in half is 'men's lifestyle'
"More Australian men buy and read ZOO than any other magazine in the country – that’s a fact." - ACP Magazines, Zoo Magazine distributor
Read moreVictory! Zoo apologises for 'hottest asylum seeker' competition
The petition calling on ZOO magazine to apologise and scrap its 'hottest asylum seeker competition' accumulated over 6000 signatures.
Read moreZoo weekly hosts 'hottest asylum seeker' competition
How do these people sleep at night?
Read moreRevenge: Slash her face so no one will want her
Originally published on melindatankardreist.com
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