This year has seen the release of two new books from the CS team - He Chose Porn Over Me by Melinda Tankard Reist and Sex Dolls, Robots and Woman Hating by Caitlin Roper - both published by our latest pledge partner, Spinifex Press.
Below is a collation of their 'best of' interviews over the last few months - podcasts, presentations and news articles - about the contents of their new books.
MTR - He Chose Porn Over Me
Both MTR and Caitlin will be speakers at the FiLiA conference in the UK. MTR will share extracts and themes from 25 personal accounts of women harmed by their partner’s compulsive porn consumption from ‘He Chose Porn Over Me’.
MTR was also interview by Raquel Rosario Sanchez for the FiLiA podcast.
Extracts from the book were reprinted on Mamamia - 'I left my first husband because of porn. My second husband promised he didn’t use it. He lied.' and "He used me like a blow-up doll." The moment my husband chose porn over me.
He Chose Porn Over Me was launched by American author, speaker and activist Robert Jensen at an online global event. Watch it below, or read MTR's speech.
MTR was interviewed on Women's Declaration International Feminist Question Time - watch below.
MTR was a guest on the Movement podcast - listen here.
Watch a short clip featuring MTR on a panel discussion at the 2022 CESE summit:
Watch this interview with Anja Cook:
Read reviews of He Chose Porn Over Me on 4w and Nordic Model Now.
Order your copy now.
Caitlin Roper - Sex Dolls, Robots and Woman Hating
Caitlin will be speaking on her book at the FiLiA conference. From doll owners enacting violence and torture on their dolls, men choosing their dolls over their wives, dolls made in the likeness of specific women and the production of child sex abuse dolls, sex dolls and robots pose a serious threat to the status of women and girls.
Caitlin was interviewed by Julian Vigo on the Savage Minds podcast. Listen to the full interview here.
Caitlin was a guest on Mornings with Liam Bartlett on 6PR, where she answered caller's questions about sex dolls and robots.
Caitlin was featured on, where she revealed what her research on child sex abuse dolls had turned up.
Sex Dolls, Robots and Woman Hating was launched by Viviane Morrigan. You can watch below or read Caitlin's speech here.
Caitlin was a speaker on Women's Declaration International's Feminist Question Time - watch below.
Caitlin was interviewed by Genevieve Gluck for her podcast Women's Voices.
Listen to Caitlin's interviews on the Probably Cancelled podcast, on Resistance Radio with Derrick Jensen, and with Sall Grover from Giggle.
Caitlin Roper wrote a book about women & girl sex dolls. Then, Australian's largest women's women news platform, MamaMia, wrote a "positive" story about a man & his sex doll.
— Sall Grover (@salltweets) December 8, 2022
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Read this review of both MTR and Caitlin's books on Women's Liberation Radio News.
You can read Caitlin's piece on how the trade in sex dolls harms women and girls on Mamamia.
Order your copy now.
Both MTR and Caitlin will be speaking at the upcoming Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation 2022 online conference. Register to attend here.
Watch Caitlin's presentation here.
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