Media Release: Immigration Minister Peter Dutton called on to revoke Tyler visa

Collective Shout has called on Immigration Minister Peter Dutton to revoke a visa given to US recording artist Tyler the Creator for a September all-ages tour.

In a letter to the Minister, Collective Shout argues Tyler’s promotion of violence against women and his behavior on a July 2013 tour disqualify him for entry.

The rapper’s lyrics describe raping women, mutilating their genitals, chopping up their bodies and raping their corpses. Activist Talitha Stone, who led the campaign against his earlier tour, was subjected to an onslaught of rape and death threats from Tyler’s fans after he targeted her on twitter.

Ms Stone attended the Sydney concert undercover where the rapper, unaware she was present, proceeded to verbally abuse her from the stage, whipping the crowd into a frenzy. (Police also investigated the alleged sexual assault of a woman during the concert).

Ms Stone recorded and uploaded footage of her vilification to YouTube, which contributed to NZ banning his entry last year. Twitter also implementing a ‘report abuse’ button as a result of the online vilification Stone received.

Collective Shout co-founder Melinda Tankard Reist said granting a visa to an artist who advocates raping and murdering women contradicted the Government National Plan of Action to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children.

“You can’t have a national plan of action to reduce violence at the same time as rolling out the red carpet to an artist who eroticizes and glamourizes it,” Tankard Reist said.

Minister Dutton has the opportunity to send a strong message about the seriousness of violence against women.

“On behalf of women and girls, and all who care about them, we are asking the Minster to place the safety of our female citizens before a recording artist who helps fuel a hostile culture environment for all of them.”

June 14 2015


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  • Coralie Alison
    commented 2017-04-28 09:17:18 +1000
    Jany the petition regarding Zoo magazine has ended as the magazine has since closed publication after Coles agreed to stop purchasing it.
  • Karen Donnelly
    commented 2015-06-14 22:37:05 +1000
    Tyler promotes hate and misogny.
  • Coralie Alison
    published this page in News 2015-06-14 15:32:14 +1000

You can defend their right to childhood

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