Stop the mutilation of women’s bodies for profit!
If you missed ABC Four Corners searing expose of Australia’s cosmetic surgery industry and its callous disregard for the health and wellbeing of women, you really should take a look.
You will see how the cosmetic surgery industry preys on the body angst of vulnerable women and girls to get them to conform to harmful constructions of ‘beauty’ for profit. And the physical and mental injury to some of the brave victims who have come forward to tell their stories. Seeing healthy flesh being cut into, seeing deformed ‘enhanced’ breasts, seeing gigantic swollen backsides, and women’s bodies covered in bruises, was at times, like being witness to a crime scene. It’s time these barbarians were reigned in. And it’s time we overturned the dictats of a global beauty industry – aided and abetted by its celebrity handmaidens which lies to women about what beauty should look like. Reflecting on the program afterwards, I realized just how much I love looking into the unadulterated, natural faces of women and girls who have refused to succumb to false messages about how they should look and be in the world.
Beauty’s New Normal – Four Corners
Plastic surgery is not a game! Tell Google, Apple and Amazon to take down plastic surgery apps for kids
I’ve been supporting this important petition initiative of my friends at Endangered Bodies since it launched. These games are grooming children as young as 9 to see themselves as needing to be fixed or altered in some way – creating new markets for the global industry. More than 140,000 concerned individuals have signed the petition, (extract below). Please add your name today.
As originally published on
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