Submission on eSafety's Restricted Access System
We were pleased to make a submission on eSafety's Restricted Access System to limit the exposure of children and young people to harmful online content.
We recommend selection of the strongest form of proof-of-age protections to be resistant to any efforts by vested interests to undermine its operations and to protect as many children as possible from demonstrable harm.
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In our submission we highlighted
- our support for age verification to protect children from exposure to online pornography
- the long-standing failures of self-regulation to rein in corporate offenders
- the unrealistic and unfair burden on parents to protect their children from harmful online content
- the harms of sexual objectification, recommending that online safety guidelines protect children from these harms
- the need for expert input from child and youth development experts and best practice in addressing the special needs and vulnerabilities of young people in developing regulations
- the RAS's relevance to the e-commerce industry
- the need to protect children from data mining and harmful design features
Read our full submission here.
Read our other submissions here.
See also
MTR on 4BC: No barriers between children + hardcore content - we need age verification now
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