3 weeks to go! Australian Summit Against Sexual Exploitation | Sep 13-14

Only three weeks to go until the Australian Summit Against Sexual Exploitation.

Among the speakers are Collective Shout Movement Director, Melinda Tankard Reist, our Campaigns Manager, Caitlin Roper and Social Change Campaigner Richie Hardcore. Other members of the Collective Shout team will be attending the summit and we would love to meet you. Will you join us?

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Hear from the experts about the impact of pornography, objectification in advertising, sex trafficking/prostitution and child sexual exploitation.

Meet the activists and advocates working to bring an end to sexual exploitation in our culture and find out how you can get involved.

Friday 13th September: 6pm registration for 7pm - 9pm

Saturday 14th September: 8:30am - 5pm

Queensland Parliament House

Parliamentary Annexe

Cnr Alice Street & Gardens Point Road, Brisbane City, QLD

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You - yes you! - can change our culture. Find out how at ASASE 2019. We look forward to meeting you there.

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You can defend their right to childhood

A world free of sexploitation is possible!

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