To report illegal content online visit eSafety. To report abuse visit ACCCE.
- eSafety Parents - where parents can learn about the digital environment and keep updated on their children’s technology use
Closing the Net podcast by Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation - Inside the world of the Australian Federal Police and those policing the ‘borderless crime’ of online child sexual exploitation. -
ThinkUKnow - Australian Federal Police - Education program on preventing online child exploitation.
- Cyber Safety Solutions - Susan McLean - How to keep your children safe in the digital space.
Safer Internet - Better internet for kids - Resources and guides to online services.
NAPCAN - Parents play their part to protect and care for children and young people in their community by showing how to have respectful relationships.
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Child Friendly Language
Safer Internet - Better internet for kids - Resources and guides to online services.
Keeping Safe in Cyberspace Education Series
Videos and transcripts Visit Cyber Safety Solutions