Sexualisation linked to rise in sexual assaults and indecent assaults between children

As reported in the Daily Telegraph:

daily_telegraph.jpgCases of children sexually ­assaulting each other have soared as kids are bombarded with inappropriate messages and images on the internet, TV and video games, experts say.

The number of sex attacks reported between school ­pupils has risen sharply in the past decade because children are unaware what constitutes appropriate behaviour.

Indecent ­assaults in schools jumped by 60 per cent in the past decade while child sexual assaults in schools have also risen by ­almost 20 per cent.

Schools reported 75 sexual ­assaults and 280 indecent assaults last year, up from 63 and 175 respectively a decade ago.

Bravehearts CEO Hetty Johnston, whose organisation works to prevent child sexual abuse, said kids were exposed to adult content at a younger age than ever before, causing them to act out the ­behaviour on each other.

“Kids are harming other kids in greater numbers than we’ve ever seen before,” Ms Johnston said.

“I think they are being ­exposed to adult messaging and sexualised messaging at very young ages, so they’re ­exploring and acting out.  Read more at the Daily Telegraph

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