Committee hands down Sexualisation of children and young people report (NSW)

On November 16th 2016 the NSW Committee on Children and Young People released the report on the Sexualisation of children and young people. 

The report contained 10 recommendations. 

List of Recommendations:


The Committee recommends that the Advocate for Children and Young People monitor research into young people’s use of and attitudes towards pornography.


The Committee recommends that the Advocate for Children and Young People continue to work with the Office of the Children’s e-Safety Commissioner and industry stakeholders to explore opportunities to reduce children and young people’s exposure to pornography.


The Committee recommends that the Attorney-General advocate for the adoption of opt-in internet filtering through the Council of Australian Governments Law, Crime and Community Safety Council


The Committee recommends that, as part of the review and amendment of the criminal law, the Attorney-General introduce legislation to create specific offences of distributing or threatening to distribute an intimate image.


The Committee recommends that the Attorney-General introduce legislation to make appropriate exceptions to the Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000.


The Committee recommends that the Department of Education require schools under the Controversial Issues in Schools policy to consult with parents prior to any implementation of the Safe Schools program, and require that parents choose whether to opt in to this program. At any time parents may elect to have their child opt out of the program.


The Committee recommends that the NSW Advocate for Children and Young People research and promote credible, age-appropriate, evidence-based websites and other materials in relation to children and young people.


The Committee recommends that the Advocate for Children and Young People, the Department of Family and Community Services and the Department of Education promote the Office of the Children’s e-Safety Commissioner on their websites.


Given the concerns regarding revenge porn and the exchange of Child Exploitation Material online – which may include images of revenge porn – the Committee recommends that the Advocate for Children and Young People monitor research concerning the creation and distribution of sexts and pornography by minors. 


The Committee recommends that the Advocate for Children and Young People work with the Children’s e-Safety Commissioner to investigate the processes currently available on online social media platforms for adults to review content flagged as harmful to children. The Advocate should work in conjunction with the Children’s e-Safety Commissioner to establish a mechanism for adults to report inappropriate content exchanged on social media platforms.

Read the full report here


Read Collective Shout's submission and recommendations here


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